Clinical research is a robust process which involves billions of dollars and several years of time to test an\ninvestigational drug or a device in the clinical trials conducted on human subjects for the determination of the product efficacy\nin curing the disease or for implementing a new treatment procedure respectively. The success of a process or a project depends\non how well it is planned, organized, implemented and managed. This is also known as project management. The current study\ndeals with the application of project management in executing clinical trials. Clinical trials involve huge supply of resources,\nenergy, effort, man power and time in a way to acquire the desired results which is exceptionally not very productive. Utilization\nof the project management methodologies along with the conventional techniques would increase the chances of execution of\nclinical trials in a much cost and resource effective and time-efficient manner. In this article, different methods of project\nmanagement, data collection and analysis were discussed especially to cut down the costs, efforts and time spent in executing a\nclinical trial successfully in this fast paced environment in an efficient way.